

In the form of snowflakes, water crystals, like all humans, have a unique appearance. The vibration of music and words has a stronger effect on water than any other element (wood, fire, earth and metal). Also on the water that is contained in plants and living beings.

Well-meaning words and music must have a good effect on water, which can be shown with pictures of water crystals. Very balanced crystals have a hexagon.

Very graceful, balanced and distinctive crystals were created during M. Emoto’s recordings, where the vibrations were characterised by love and gratitude. Love and gratitude, we can see once again, are the most important things in the world.


Microcluster water was developed by Dr. Lee Lorenzen using distilled water, laser beams and special magnetic fields and achieves excellent results in the medical field (patent 1998 USA).
Microcluster water is considered one of the best waters because the body deposits and transports it where it is needed and required.
Microcluster water expands in six organs, in the artery and in the blood vessels. Microcluster water can perform sharp, angular, angular and penetrating bends, which is why it spreads to the outermost and most remote areas of the body. The cell’s absorbing power is enormous. The same effect was achieved in Russia (Caucasus region) with a goat’s lactic acid drink that is drunk there daily in very large quantities. People there live to be well over 100 years old.